

Percussion Duo: I
Percussion Duo: II
Percussion Duo: III

This was a commission from pianist Jennifer Hedstrom and percussionist Sean Kleve, and they premiered it with Clocks in Motion in December 2013.  These are links to a video they created with Dave Alcorn.

Via the Void

This a work for Pierrot ensemble, and I conducted the premiere at my second and final DMA lecture recital in September 2011 in Madison, WI.  This work is a result of my collaboration with visual artist Gabriel Pionkowski.  This is a link to YouTube, so you’ll get to watch the premiere performance in addition to listening to it.

Aubade in a Burning House
Sonnet with Lightning and Bull Sharks
Aubade with a Broken Neck

These are links to YouTube of the world premiere performance of Aubades, my song cycle of a setting of poems by Traci Brimhall.  Jennifer Lien and Vincent Fuh perform.
(Credit Line: “Aubade in a Burning House,” “Oneiromancy,” “Sonnet with Lightning and Bulls Sharks,” and “Aubade with a Broken Neck” by Traci Brimhall, copyright 2008 by Traci Brimhall. Used by permission of the author.)


Poem for Mezzo-soprano and Chamber Orchestra

This is the last minute or so of my Master’s thesis.  Unfortunately, the rights to the words are still pending, so to avoid copyright infringement I’ve uploaded the conclusion of the piece when the mezzo isn’t singing.  This is a reading session featuring the UW Chamber Orchestra, Jim Smith conducting.

Aubade with a Broken Neck

This is an excerpt of the first minute or so of a stand-alone version of this song.  A modified version of this song became the fourth song of a cycle called Aubades. The words are by Traci Brimhall, a UW fellow of the Creative Writing Department.  The recording features Jennifer Lien singing with Vince Fuh on piano.
(Credit Line: “Aubade with a Broken Neck” by Traci Brimhall, copyright 2008 by Traci Brimhall. Used by permission of the author.)

Music for Cello and Percussion

For my DMA preliminary exam, I wrote this little 5-minute work in 24 hours.  The recording features Taylor Skiff on cello and Martha Saywell on piano.  This is an excerpt of the first minute of the piece.

Music for Orchestra in However Many Incarnations: W.H.
Music for Orchestra in However Many Incarnations: P.T.

These are links to YouTube (showing only a black screen unfortunately… no video of the performance) that feature the audio of the premiere performance of the first two movements.  The UW Symphony performs, and James Smith conducts.  The YouTube videos label the title as “Eleven Incarantions,” when my original plan was to write eleven movements.  The symphony turned into seven movements instead, but I decided to call it “However Many” to allow the piece to be more modular.

Seated Man

For mezzo and piano, this is a setting of George Oppen’s poem of the same name.  Mezzo Hannah Sartori and pianist Stacey Barelos feature in this excerpt of the very beginning of the song.
(Credit Line: “Seated Man” by George Oppen, from New Collected Poems, copyright 1965 by George Oppen. Used by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.)

Incidental music
Vocal music

In 2007 I wrote incidental and vocal music for Harlan Chambers’s play The Interrupted Dream, performed at the University of Minnesota’s Xperimental Theatre.  The incidental music features violinist Matthew Pickart, cellist Laura Ewing, and pianist David Sytkowski.  Actor/singer David Wilson-Brown features in the excerpt from the vocal music.  These aren’t recordings of the staged premiere, rather an unstaged version in Madison with different performers some months afterward.

Le Triangle d’Or

This is an excerpt of the beginning of the second movement of this three-movement work, featuring the reed trio of the same name: oboist Laura Medisky, clarinetist Lesley Hughes, and bassoonist David Wells.

Ephemeral Movements for Piano

This is the entire second movement.  The recording features Julie Page.